Grace Primitive Baptist Church

2100 Woodland Drive, Loudon, TN 37774

Grace Church is a body of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, dedicated to the principles that have distinguished the people known as Baptist throughout time from the Apostolic age up to this present time. Our aim is to maintain a place and spiritual atmosphere where God’s people are free to experience the liberty of corporate worship in the bounds of the truths of revealed Scripture.

The foundation of our doctrinal beliefs is found in the truths of God’s word concerning God’s eternal purpose to save a definite number of Adam’s race according to His own purpose and will in Christ Jesus, particularly through:

  • Unconditional Election – The Father chose each one He foreknew and determined to save eternally in Christ Jesus before the world began
  • Predestination – Those He chose in Christ He predestinated to be finally conformed to the righteous image of His dear Son
  • Effectual Calling – Each one he chose and predestinated, He also Called out of their fallen state of Sin and death by Regeneration to a state of being New Creatures in Christ Jesus
  • Justification – Each one chosen, predestinated, and called from death to life, He Justified by the Finished work of Eternal Redemption accomplished by Jesus’ Death as the One sacrifice for sin that God required.
  • Glorification – Those covered by the death of Jesus Christ are counted as being in that same Glorified State as the Risen Lord, Jesus Christ!

Our Aim and Purpose Visit Our Audio Message Page

Elder Dennis Holt


Elder Dennis Holt has been our pastor since 2017. He faithfully serves our body of believers in preaching and teaching God’s Word. He is married to Dorcas Holt and together they are faithful members of our congregation.

Brother Dennis preaches and teaches strictly from God’s word.