Church: A Threefold Cord

God ordained the ‘threefold cord’ known as the Church. Nothing else is to be acknowledged as such. God established that His Church conduct themselves in singing, prayer, and preaching. It is the congregation that consistently unites in the harmony of these three in one.

Separate and on their own each of these are worthy aspects of activity of individuals and groups. Yet, on their own alone can not and are not to be called, Church.

Singing schools and groups while worthwhile for harmony of voice are not Church, as God seeks harmony of hearts rather than voice. Good for the Church, but not Church of itself.

Prayer meetings are most worthy and effective, yet alone are not Church. We are to be continually in prayer and without a doubt the Church is to be known as the House of Prayer. Yet, a prayer group in my house is not the Church.

Preaching and teaching is God’s ordained means of the spread of the gospel. It is to be found public and private. The records show it being done and to be done at every opportunity and place. Yet, alone, even a group of preachers is not Church. The ministry is a portion of the Church, not Church alone.

Only when the called out, baptized, assembly comes together to sing, pray, and preach the truth of God’s amazing grace and the salvation of sinners by and through the finished work of Jesus Christ, made immediately and sovereign effective in the elect, child of God by regeneration can this be acknowledged as the Church. A body of saved sinners, in one mind and one accord seeking and praising God. This is that which God seeks of spirit and truth. This is true worship and acceptable to God alone. This is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ wherever it be found.

The Church is not a disjointed and disorderly shattered people. It is an assembly, a congregation. united and in unity. A body with a Head. A Bride with a Husband. Not the entire family of God, but those of the family committed to Christ.

(Elder Carl Staten – 2019)

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